Fejezet 4: Wrestling and Weightlifting


Célok és szándékok

Ebben a lekcióban a birkózással és súlyemeléssel kapcsolatos szavatkat és kifejezéseket fogja tanulni. Továbbá begyakorolja a feltételes mondatokat és a visszhangkérdéseket.

A fejezet nyelvtani része:


30 kilós súlyzóval edz.
súly (tárcsa)
Mennyit súlyt szeretnél?
A súlylökés az egyik olimpiai súlyemelőszám.
A szakítás az egyik a két olimpiai súlyemelőszám közül.
a súlyzó felemelése húzással
A húzással való emelés a súlyemelők edzőgyakorlata.
Az erőemelés nem olimpiai szám.
(IWF)Nemzetközi Súlyemelő-szövetség (IWF)
Ez a súlyzó az IWF által certifikált.
Melyik súlycsoportban vagy?
tekintet nélkül
Folytatnod kell tekintet nélkül a fáradtságra.
Ez a gyakorlatsor harminc húzódzkodásból és tizenöt fekvőtámaszból áll.
kitartás, kondíció
Hetente kétszer járok edzőterembe, hogy növeljem a kondíciómat.
Végre tudod hajtani a leg lock-ot?
Hány birkózó jut egy edzőre a klubotokban?
A cselgáncsban a felek állva mérkőznek egymással.
joint lock
A joint lock által komoly sérülést okozhatsz az ellenfelednek.
álló helyzet
Az álló helyzet a birkózásban előnynek számít.
A görög-római birkózásban a birkózó felek fegyvertelenek.
A sambo egy orosz küzdősport.
leg lock
A leg lock nehezebb, mint az arm lock.
két vállra fektetés
A kétvállra fektetés alapmódszerét cross press-nek nevezzük.
bear hug fogás
A bear hug egy olyan fogás, miközben az ellenfelet kézzel átöleljük.
Az átdobás egy módja, hogyan billentsük ki az ellenfelünket az egyensúlyából.

Szókincs gyakorlat

Gyakorlat 1: Teszteld magad

Tölts be a helyes fordítást az alábbi egyes kifejezésekhez.

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Gyakorlat 1: Feleletválasztós kérdések

Válaszd ki a jó megoldást.

JOURNALISTHow long have you been involved in the sport of weightlifting, Mike?
MIKEI've been competing since 2005.
JOURNALISTAnd how long do you typically prepare for a weightlifting meet?
MIKEThe sport runs all year round which makes it different from other sports. I try to attend at least five meets per year. Sometimes, there is one month between meets and sometimes there are three months between meets.
JOURNALISTWhat is your overall training volume like and what kind of exercises do you do?
MIKEThe volume differs depending on how far from the meet I am but the frequency stays the same. I have been training about five days a week now. Besides the classic exercises I also do a lot of technique work and pulling.
  1. Mike's preparation time depends on
  2. Mike typically attends
  3. Mike's training volume depends on
  4. His training also consists of

Gyakorlat 2: Feleletválasztós kérdések

Válaszd ki a jó megoldást.

TV REPORTERWhat kind of potential for growth do you think wrestling has in the US?
RICARDOIt's huge, wrestling is already a reality, there are a lot of wrestling tournaments.
TV REPORTERTell us a bit about the way you got into the coaching world.
RICARDOI started with judo as a kid when I was four. At fifteen I took up jiu jitsu. I moved down here ten years ago and started organizing the US national team. I am really proud to be named coach of the US national team.
TV REPORTERWhat were your first thoughts on the new Olympic training centre?
RICARDOMy first thought was wow, what the heck is that? It was just impressive. My jaw dropped to my knees. If you see this you've got to understand why the US is so successful.
  1. According to Ricardo, wrestling has
  2. Ricardo has moved in from the
  3. At this time Ricardo is
  4. Ricardo thinks the new national training centre is

Gyakorlat 3: Mondat kiegészítés (adott listából)

Írd be a hiányzó szavakat az alábbi listából a megfelelő helyre.

  • do
  • flexibility
  • lifter
  • other
  • out
  • train

To become a top lifter you have to enjoy it first. You must train consistently and have other things in your life that you can do so you don't get burned out. Second, you need a lot of overall flexibility - you need to have a full range of motion.

To become a top ? you have to enjoy it first. You must ? consistently and have ? things in your life that you can ? so you don't get burned ?. Second, you need a lot of overall ? - you need to have a full range of motion.

Gyakorlat 4: Mondat kiegészítés (adott listából)

Írd be a hiányzó szavakat az alábbi listából a megfelelő helyre.

  • Muscles
  • Stretching
  • contribute
  • force
  • length
  • too

Muscles need proper length to perform optimally. When a muscle is too short its force production is limited. Short muscles also contribute to postural problems. Stretching is recommended to increase range of motion.

? need proper ? to perform optimally. When a muscle is ? short its ? production is limited. Short muscles also ? to postural problems. ? is recommended to increase range of motion.

Nyelvtani gyakorlatok

Gyakorlat 1: Behelyettesítés

Az alábbi mondatok megváltoztatásához használd a zárójelekben levő szövegrészt.


A weightlifter got injured. He is now in hospital.
The weightlifter who got injured is now in hospital.

  1. ?

  2. ?

  3. ?

  4. ?

  5. ?

  6. ?

Gyakorlat 2: Kitöltés

Put in who or that. Use 0 when none is necessary.


The people who attended the event were cheering loudly.
I have to catch the bus that leaves at eight.
I have lost the instructions 0 she gave me.
The door 0 we used to enter are locked now.
My brother who is really lazy loves to watch TV every afternoon.
Is that the man 0 you were talking about?

The people ? attended the event were cheering loudly.
I have to catch the bus ? leaves at eight.
I have lost the instructions ? she gave me.
The door ? we used to enter are locked now.
My brother ? is really lazy loves to watch TV every afternoon.
Is that the man ? you were talking about?

Gyakorlat 3: Mondat kiegészítés (adott listából)

Írd be a hiányzó szavakat az alábbi listából a megfelelő helyre.

  • when
  • where
  • which
  • who
  • whose
  • why

I can't understand the reason why she has lost.
Have you ever met anyone who won three championships in a row?
Our coach usually explains things which are difficult.
Rosie is the girl whose father runs the gym.
You shouldn't wear warm clothes when it's hot outside.
Do you know the place where he lives?

I can't understand the reason ? she has lost.
Have you ever met anyone ? won three championships in a row?
Our coach usually explains things ? are difficult.
Rosie is the girl ? father runs the gym.
You shouldn't wear warm clothes ? it's hot outside.
Do you know the place ? he lives?

Gyakorlat 4: Kitöltés

Add the correct question tag.


That man fought really well, didn't he?
We can't stop now, can we?
Jane hasn't got enough time, has she?
You were in London last week, weren't you?
Her parents usually go on holiday in July, don't they?
David would like to come with us, wouldn't he?

That man fought really well, ??
We can't stop now, ??
Jane hasn't got enough time, ??
You were in London last week, ??
Her parents usually go on holiday in July, ??
David would like to come with us, ??

Gyakorlat 5: Behelyettesítés

Az alábbi mondatok megváltoztatásához használd a zárójelekben levő szövegrészt.


You need a pen. Rich has got one. Ask him.
Rich, you haven't got a pen, have you?

  1. ?

  2. ?

  3. ?

  4. ?

  5. ?

  6. ?


Gyakorlat 1: Tollbamondás

Listen to the complete recording first. Then go to the textbox and use the ‘>’ key to listen to the text section by section. Type what you hear into the textbox. For detailed instructions, read the Exercise Help.


I bought a new barbell yesterday but it is so heavy that I will have to trade it for a lighter one.


Gyakorlat 2: Tollbamondás

Listen to the complete recording first. Then go to the textbox and use the ‘>’ key to listen to the text section by section. Type what you hear into the textbox. For detailed instructions, read the Exercise Help.


Sometimes I get so beaten up that I can't help but start thinking of taking up some other sport such as chess.



Ezen lekció befejezése után a következőket kéne tudnia:

  • Ismerni a birkózást és súlyemelést érintő alapvető szavakat és kifejezéseket.
  • Használni a feltételes mondatokat.
  • Használni a visszhangkérdéseket.
Verzió 2.0 (2013-01-03 13:42 CET)
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