Fejezet 1: Football


Célok és szándékok

Ebben a lekcióban a futballal kapcsolatos szavakat és kifejezéseket fogja megtanulni gyakorolni a bemutatozást. Továbbá a jelen időt fogja használni a lenni ige segítségével kérdésalkotásra, felszólításra, többes számban és rövid válaszoknál.

A fejezet nyelvtani része:


A jobb oldalon két védő van.
Passzolj balra.
A labda a hálóban van.
Új futballpályánk van.
A kapus védi a hálót.
Öt perc a kezdőrúgásig.
Ellenünk mindig veszítenek.
Ez csúnya szabálytalanság.
A spanyolok büntetőhöz jutottak.
Ne fuss ki a kapuból.
Még egy büntető az angoloknak.
A mi csapatunk mindig győz.
Passzolj balra.
Nézd meg az új mezemet.
A futballcipő része a fotbalista felszerelésének.
Az edzőnk nagyon szigorú.
Védőként játszom.
A félidőben 3:2 az állás.
Ez egy fontos mérkőzés.
Az angoloknak piros rövidnadrágjuk van.
Ismered a futball játékszabályait?
Sárga az új futballcipőm.
Az a bíró német.
Zidane egy nagyon jó játékos.
A kapus védi a hálót.
Ki a győztes?
Mi az eredmény?

Szókincs gyakorlat

Gyakorlat 1: Teszteld magad

Tölts be a helyes fordítást az alábbi egyes kifejezésekhez.

  1. ?
  2. ?
  3. ?
  4. ?
  5. ?
  6. ?
  7. ?
  8. ?
  9. ?
  10. ?
  11. ?
  12. ?
  13. ?
  14. ?
  15. ?
  16. ?
  17. ?
  18. ?
  19. ?
  20. ?
  21. ?
  22. ?
  23. ?
  24. ?
  25. ?
  26. ?
  27. ?
  28. ?
  29. ?
  30. ?
  31. ?
  32. ?
  33. ?
  34. ?
  35. ?
  36. ?
  37. ?
  38. ?
  39. ?
  40. ?
  41. ?
  42. ?
  43. ?
  44. ?
  45. ?
  46. ?
  47. ?
  48. ?
  49. ?
  50. ?
  51. ?
  52. ?


Gyakorlat 1: Mondat kiegészítés (adott listából)

Írd be a hiányzó szavakat az alábbi listából a megfelelő helyre.

  • Bye
  • Hello
  • Hi
  • How are you?
  • See you later
  • fine
  • what about you?
SuzannHello, Andrew.
AndrewHi, Suzann.
SuzannHow are you?
AndrewNot bad thanks, what about you?
SuzannI'm fine.
AndrewHere's my train. See you later, Suzann.
SuzannBye, Andrew.
Suzann?, Andrew.
Andrew?, Suzann.
AndrewNot bad thanks, ?
SuzannI'm ?.
AndrewHere's my train. ?, Suzann.
Suzann?, Andrew.

Gyakorlat 2: Feleletválasztós kérdések

Válaszd ki a jó megoldást.

LarryHello, my name is Larry, what is your name?
MarkMy name is Mark.
LarryNice to meet you Mark.
MarkNice to meet you Larry.
LarryWhat position do you play?
MarkI am a goalkeeper. And you?
LarryI am a defender.
MarkYou like heading battles then, right?
LarryOh yes.
  1. What is Mark's position?
  2. What is Larry's position?
  3. Larry likes playing with his head.

Gyakorlat 3: Feleletválasztós kérdések

Válaszd ki a jó megoldást.

CarlHello Peter.
PeterHi Carl.
CarlGood to meet you here at the stadium.
PeterYeah, I come every Saturday.
CarlWhere is the red team from?
PeterThey are from Vienna.
CarlAnd the blue one?
PeterI am not sure.
  1. Where does Carl meet Peter?
  2. How often does's Peter come to the stadium?
  3. Does Carl know, where the red team is from?
  4. Does Peter know, where the blue team is from?

Gyakorlat 4: Kitöltés

Read the text, then fill in the gaps.

A football team has eleven players. One of them is a goalkeeper, he can touch the ball with his hands, but only in the penalty area. The coach manages the team. A player needs shirt, shorts, socks, kicks and shin guards. Everyone must listen to the referee.

One team has eleven players. Thegoalkeeper can touch the ball with his hands. The goalkeeper can only touch the ball in the penalty area. The coach manages the team. A player wears shirt, shorts, socks, kicks and shin guards. You must listen to the referee.

A football team has eleven players. One of them is a goalkeeper, he can touch the ball with his hands, but only in the penalty area. The coach manages the team. A player needs shirt, shorts, socks, kicks and shin guards. Everyone must listen to the referee.

One team has ?. The? can touch the ball with his hands. The goalkeeper can only touch the ball in the ?. The ? manages the team. A player wears ?. You must listen to the ?.

Gyakorlat 5: Kitöltés

Töltsd ki a hézagokat a alábbi szövegben. Minden egyes hézagba csak egy helyes válasz illik.


The Score is 3:2. Germany is loosing to Turkey. There are three minutes left. The referee is from Italy. Turkish defenders are getting ready for one of the last German attacks. German supporters in the stadium are very nervous. Turkey will probably win.

Turkey is winning by one goal. It is almost at the end of the match. The referee comes from south of Europe. Germans are preparing to attack. German fans are nervous. Germany will probably not win.

The Score is 3:2. Germany is loosing to Turkey. There are three minutes left. The referee is from Italy. Turkish defenders are getting ready for one of the last German attacks. German supporters in the stadium are very nervous. Turkey will probably win.

Turkey is winning by one ?. It is almost at the ? of the match. The referee comes from south of ?. Germans are preparing to ?. German fans are ?. Germany will probably not ?.

Nyelvtani gyakorlatok

Gyakorlat 1: Kitöltés

Töltsd ki a hézagokat a alábbi szövegben. Minden egyes hézagba csak egy helyes válasz illik.

NeilIs Jack here?
secretaryNo, he isn't.
NeilWhere is he?
secretaryHe is on vacation with his family.
NeilWhere are they?
secretaryThey are in Italy.
NeilNice, can you give me his phone number?
secretaryOf course, here it is.
NeilThank you, have a nice day.
secretaryGood bye.
Neil? Jack here?
secretaryNo, he ?.
NeilWhere ? he?
secretaryHe ? on vacation with his family.
NeilWhere ? they?
secretaryThey ? in Italy.
NeilNice, can you give me his phone number?
secretaryOf course, here it ?.
NeilThank you, have a nice day.
secretaryGood bye.

Gyakorlat 2: Mondat kiegészítés (adott listából)

Írd be a hiányzó szavakat az alábbi listából a megfelelő helyre.

  • How
  • How old
  • What
  • What
  • What colour
  • Where
  • Where
  • Who

What colour is your shirt? Where are you from? How old are your parents? What is the time? Who is your coach? Where is the stadium? It is next to the swimming pool. How are you? I'm fine. What nationality is Carles Puyol?

? is your shirt? ? are you from? ? are your parents? ? is the time? ? is your coach? ? is the stadium? It is next to the swimming pool. ? are you? I'm fine. ? nationality is Carles Puyol?

Gyakorlat 3: Behelyettesítés

Az alábbi mondatok megváltoztatásához használd a zárójelekben levő szövegrészt.

  1. ?

  2. ?

  3. ?

  4. ?

  5. ?

  6. ?

Gyakorlat 4: Mondat kiegészítés (adott listából)

Írd be a hiányzó szavakat az alábbi listából a megfelelő helyre.

  • are
  • aren't
  • is
  • isn't
  • plays
  • wears

He plays as midfielder.
It isn't Friday today. It is Saturday.
Our team wears blue shirts.
We are the winners.
They aren't very good in defence. Our team is much better.
He is tired after the match.

He ? as midfielder.
It ? Friday today. It is Saturday.
Our team ? blue shirts.
We ? the winners.
They ? very good in defence. Our team is much better.
He ? tired after the match.

  1. ?

  2. ?

  3. ?

  4. ?

  5. ?

  6. ?

Gyakorlat 6: Átalakítás

Töltsd ki a hézagot a B mondatban, hogy ugyanazt jelentse, mint az A mondat.

  1. A.
    B. ?
  2. A.
    B. ?
  3. A.
    B. ?
  4. A.
    B. ?
  5. A.
    B. ?
  6. A.
    B. ?
  1. A.
    B. ?
  2. A.
    B. ?
  3. A.
    B. ?
  4. A.
    B. ?
  5. A.
    B. ?
  6. A.
    B. ?

Gyakorlat 8: Kitöltés

Use short answers to fill in the gaps.


Is he a striker? No, he isn't.
Are you happy, Jim? Yes, I am.
Are we the winners? Yes, we are.
Is she your wife? No, she isn't.
Is he Turkish? Yes, he is.
Are they from Budapest? No, they aren't.


Are you German?
Yes, I am.

Is he a striker? No, ?.
Are you happy, Jim? Yes, ?.
Are we the winners? Yes, ?.
Is she your wife? No, ?.
Is he Turkish? Yes, ?.
Are they from Budapest? No, ?.

Gyakorlat 9: Mondat kiegészítés (adott listából)

Írd be a hiányzó szavakat az alábbi listából a megfelelő helyre.

  • Hungarian
  • Hungary
  • Nice to meet you
  • No, I am single
  • See you
  • Twenty-six

How old are you? Twenty-six.
Where are you from? Hungary.
Are you married? No, I am single.
What nationality are you? Hungarian.
This is my brother Chris. Nice to meet you
See you tomorrow. See you.

How old are you? ?.
Where are you from? ?.
Are you married? ?.
What nationality are you? ?.
This is my brother Chris. ?
See you tomorrow. ?.


Gyakorlat 1: Tollbamondás

Listen to the complete recording first. Then go to the textbox and use the ‘>’ key to listen to the text section by section. Type what you hear into the textbox. For detailed instructions, read the Exercise Help.


In the US and Canada, we call this game soccer. But in other countries it's called football.


Gyakorlat 2: Tollbamondás

Listen to the complete recording first. Then go to the textbox and use the ‘>’ key to listen to the text section by section. Type what you hear into the textbox. For detailed instructions, read the Exercise Help.


Players use their feet to kick the ball. The team that scores the most goals wins.



Ezen lekció befejezése után a következőket kéne tudnia:

  • Bemutatkozni.
  • Megérteni a futballt érintő gyakori szavakat és kifejezéseket.
  • Alkalmazni az egyszerű jelen időt a lenni ige segítségével.
  • Kérdést alkotni és röviden válaszolni.
  • Felszólító mondatot alkotni.
  • Többes számot alkalmazni.
Verzió 2.0 (2011-12-07 01:25 CET)
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