Fejezet 14: Travelling


Célok és szándékok

Ebben a lekcióban az utazással kapcsolatos kihívásokról fog tanulni. Jegyek megvételét repülő vagy vonatútra.

A fejezet nyelvtani része:


egyirányú jegy
menettérti jegy
egy órán belül
A vonat 10 perc múlva indul.
A vonat 13.00-kor érkezik Londonba.
a szék száma
a járat száma
a kapu záródik
a kapu zárva van
azonnal járuljon a kapuhoz
utolsó felhívás
felszállás (repülővel)
Jelentkezzen be 30 perccel a gép felszállása előtt.
landolni, leszállni

Szókincs gyakorlat

Gyakorlat 1: Teszteld magad

Tölts be a helyes fordítást az alábbi egyes kifejezésekhez.

  1. ?
  2. ?
  3. ?
  4. ?
  5. ?
  6. ?
  7. ?
  8. ?
  9. ?
  10. ?
  11. ?
  12. ?
  13. ?
  14. ?
  15. ?
  16. ?
  17. ?
  18. ?
  19. ?
  20. ?
  21. ?
  22. ?
  23. ?
  24. ?
  25. ?
  26. ?
  27. ?
  28. ?
  29. ?
  30. ?
  31. ?
  32. ?
  33. ?


Gyakorlat 1: Kitöltés

Hallgasd meg figyelmesen a hangfelvételt, azután töltsd ki a hézagokat a szövegben ugyanazokkal a szavakkal.

GinaWhen is our train?
MartinIt leaves at 3.25 from platform 4.
GinaIs it a fast train or a stopping train.
MartinIt's a stopping train.
GinaOK, have you got the guide and the tickets?
MartinYes I have, I've got everything.
GinaAnd have you got one way tickets or return?
MartinOh, only one way tickets.
GinaThat's good. We can decide later. And have you got the sandwiches and drinks?
MartinYes, here they are, in the backpack.
GinaFine, what time is it now?
MartinIt's 3:10, so hurry, the train leaves in 15 minutes.
Gina? is our train?
MartinIt ? at 3.25 from platform 4.
GinaIs it a ? train or a stopping train.
MartinIt's a ? train.
GinaOK, have you got the ? and the tickets?
MartinYes I have, I've got ?.
GinaAnd have you got one way tickets or ??
MartinOh, only one way ?.
GinaThat's good. We can decide later. And have you got the sandwiches and drinks?
MartinYes, here they are, in the ?.
GinaFine, what ? is it now?
MartinIt's 3:10, so hurry, the train leaves ? 15 minutes.

Gyakorlat 2: Választás

Listen to the previous dialogue again and choose the correct version.

  1. a. 
  2. a. 
  3. a. 
  4. a. 
  5. a. 
  6. a. 
  7. a. 

Gyakorlat 3: Választás

Válaszd ki a jó megoldást.

PassengerOK, check-in done, I can go to the gate. Which gate is it, actually?
OperatorGatwick airport, last call for flight 493 to Paris. Please proceed to gate 14 immediately, as the gate is closing.
PassengerWhat? Last call? Ok, ok, my flight is not to Paris. Now, where is my flight number? Oh here, it is 27, no that is the seat number. The flight number is 586. OK, now what time does my plane leave?
OperatorGatwick airport, warning to passengers, flight No. 586 to Frankfurt, please proceed to gate 16.
PassengerOh no, where is my boarding pass? Here. And the flight ticket? And the passport, oh, here, OK.
OperatorGatwick airport, this is the last call for passengers to Frankfurt, flight 586, proceed immediately to gate 16, the gate is closing.
PassengerOh, which gate? Six? Or sixty? Where is it? Oh there! Please, wait! Hallo, wait, I am coming!
  1. a. 
  2. a. 
  3. a. 
  4. a. 
  5. a. 
  6. a. 
  7. a. 
  8. a. 

Nyelvtani gyakorlatok

Gyakorlat 1: Átalakítás

Change the sentence into the imperative.


Passenger should leave the plane after boarding.
Leave the plain after boarding, please.

  1. A.
    B. ?
  2. A.
    B. ?
  3. A.
    B. ?
  4. A.
    B. ?
  5. A.
    B. ?
  6. A.
    B. ?
  7. A.
    B. ?

Gyakorlat 2: Átalakítás

Change the sentence into the negative imperative.


Passenger should not leave their seats after take off.
Do not leave your seats after take off, please.

  1. A.
    B. ?
  2. A.
    B. ?
  3. A.
    B. ?
  4. A.
    B. ?
  5. A.
    B. ?
  6. A.
    B. ?
  7. A.
    B. ?

Gyakorlat 3: Kitöltés

Choose "may" or "should".


I know I should arrive in time, especially when this is an important meeting, but if I come too early, I may wait too long, so I think I will come exactly on time. The seats are first class so it should be comfortable, but there is always a risk that people next to me may be too communicative. I prefer silence, I like reading on the board, so I think other people should not disturb me and talk to me during the flight. Some people may think different, but it is their own matter. I think they should be tolerant and respect my privacy. I may not be very tolerant person, but that is my business.

I know I ? arrive in time, especially when this is an important meeting, but if I come too early, I ? wait too long, so I think I will come exactly on time. The seats are first class so it ? be comfortable, but there is always a risk that people next to me ? be too communicative. I prefer silence, I like reading on the board, so I think other people ? not disturb me and talk to me during the flight. Some people ? think different, but it is their own matter. I think they ? be tolerant and respect my privacy. I ? not be very tolerant person, but that is my business.

Gyakorlat 4: Átalakítás

Make negative of "may", use phrase: "simply can't".


I'm afraid it may be cold. No, it simply can't.

  1. A.
    B. ?
  2. A.
    B. ?
  3. A.
    B. ?
  4. A.
    B. ?
  5. A.
    B. ?
  6. A.
    B. ?
  7. A.
    B. ?

Gyakorlat 5: Átalakítás

Answer the question. Use "I think" and the words after the question.


What should we do, the weather is gettig worse. - go home
I think we should go home.

  1. A.
    B. ?
  2. A.
    B. ?
  3. A.
    B. ?
  4. A.
    B. ?
  5. A.
    B. ?
  6. A.
    B. ?
  7. A.
    B. ?
  8. A.
    B. ?


Gyakorlat 1: Tollbamondás

Listen to the complete recording first. Then go to the textbox and use the ‘>’ key to listen to the text section by section. Type what you hear into the textbox. For detailed instructions, read the Exercise Help.


When you travel to another country, you usually take a plane and a bus, or a train. You have to buy tickets. You can buy either one-way tickets or return. Check-in officers may want to see your money, passport, boarding pass, and all important documents you have with you.



Ezen lekció befejezése után a következőket kéne tudnia:

  • Beszélgetést vezetni és információkhoz jutni fontos utazással kapcsolatos dolgokról (indulás időpontja, stb.).
  • Megérteni a különbséget az egyszerű és a progresszív ragozás közt.
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