Ünite 3: Ball sports


Amaçlar ve hedefler

Bu derste, basketbol ve voleybola ilişkin kelimeler ve ifadeler öğreneceksiniz. Ayrıca, bir havaalanında ve otobüs istasyonunda yapabileceğiniz diyalogları pratik edeceksiniz. Basit geçmiş zamanı ve bazı bağlaçları da gözden geçireceksiniz.

Bu ünitenin gramer odak noktası:


Cezalardan biri diskalifiyedir.
Takımımız her maçta iyileşiyor.
Voleybol benim tutkum.
çarpma levhası, arka tahtası
Bryant puanı çarpma levhası arkasından kazandı.
defans, savunma
Bu defans pozisyonu kural ihlali değil.
Çember 450 mm çapında.
topla yürüme, adım hatası
Adım hatasından dolayı topu kaybettiniz.
topu kullanma (süresi)
Top kullanma hakkı bizde.
şut atmak
üç sayı çizgisi
Dirk Nowitzki üç sayı çizgisinden şut atıyor.
Boston Celtics lehine serbest atış.
(most valuable player)en değerli oyuncu
Michael Redd maçın en değerli oyuncusu oldu.
oyun kurucu
Oyunu kurucunuz kim?
sokak basketbolu
Öğleden sonraları sokak basketbolunu oynarım.
üstten (servis)
Üstten servis daha zor.
Smacı bloke etmeye çalışıyorlar.
hücum çizgisi
Hücum çizgisi fileden 3 metre geride.
saat yönünde
Takım saat yönünde döner.
çift vuruş
Çift vuruş voleybolda hata sayılır.
parmak uçları
Parmak uçlarınla pas verebilirsin.
Liberonun forması takım arkadaşlarından farklı renktedir.
alttan (servis)
Alttan servis profesyonel oyuncular tarafından kullanılmaz.
Takım saat yönünde döner.
servis geçişi
Servis geçişi bir hatadan kaynaklanır.

Kelimeler ile ilgili alıştırma

Alıştırma 1: Kendiniz test ediniz

Aşağıdaki terimlere doğru çevirleri doldurunuz.

  1. ?
  2. ?
  3. ?
  4. ?
  5. ?
  6. ?
  7. ?
  8. ?
  9. ?
  10. ?
  11. ?
  12. ?
  13. ?
  14. ?
  15. ?
  16. ?
  17. ?
  18. ?
  19. ?
  20. ?
  21. ?
  22. ?
  23. ?
  24. ?
  25. ?
  26. ?
  27. ?
  28. ?
  29. ?
  30. ?
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  35. ?
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  39. ?
  40. ?
  41. ?
  42. ?
  43. ?
  44. ?
  45. ?
  46. ?


Alıştırma 1: Çoktan seçmeli sınav

Doğru cevabı işaretleyiniz.

GEORGEWhen does the plane depart?
JILLIt takes off at 7:30, I hope we'll make it after the match.
GEORGEYes, the check-in desk closes one hour before the departure.
JILLAnd that is the problem.
GEORGEIf we take a taxi, we might be there in time.
JILLI hope so.
GEORGEWe should buy the tickets now. Look, that bar over there offers free wireless.
JILLLet's do it.
GEORGESo it is one way from Brussels to Belfast for two adults. Have you got your card here?
JILLMy card again?
GEORGESorry, I told you what the problem is.
JILLYou and your excuses, just don't start over again.
GEORGEDon't be fussy and hand me the card!
JILLWhat can I do, here...
  1. Jill and George
  2. Possibly they will take a
  3. They are buying their tickets
  4. Jill is upset because

Alıştırma 2: Çoktan seçmeli sınav

Doğru cevabı işaretleyiniz.

COACHGood morning I have ten people here travelling to Ostende.
TICKET OFFICERThere is a train at 10:15. Is that all right?
COACHPerfect, can we get a reservation?
TICKET OFFICERYes, no problem. Are there any people under 26?
COACHYes, all of them.
TICKET OFFICERThat's 15 percent off the price.
TICKET OFFICERLet me show you, here is the number of your car and here are the numbers of your carriages.
COACHI see, thank you. Which platform is it?
TICKET OFFICERIt is platform number three, take the underpass over there.
TICKET OFFICERIt is 716 Euros.
COACHCan I pay with a credit card?
TICKET OFFICEROf course, can I have your card?
  1. There are
  2. People under 26
  3. The ticket officer
  4. The coach

Alıştırma 3: Açık cümle tamamlama

Boşlukları doldurmak için aşağıdaki listeyi kullanarak kelimeleri kullanınız.

  • States
  • countries
  • handball
  • international
  • popular
  • world

Volleyball has roots in the United States in 1895 as a blend of basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball. Today, volleyball has spread to 211 countries around the world, and is recognized as a truly international, widely played, popular sport.

Volleyball has roots in the United ? in 1895 as a blend of basketball, baseball, tennis, and ?. Today, volleyball has spread to 211 ? around the ?, and is recognized as a truly ?, widely played, ? sport.

Alıştırma 4: Açık cümle tamamlama

Boşlukları doldurmak için aşağıdaki listeyi kullanarak kelimeleri kullanınız.

  • became
  • born
  • guard
  • player
  • points
  • professional

Kobe Bean Bryant (born August 23, 1978) is an American professional basketball player who plays shooting guard in the National Basketball Association for the Los Angeles Lakers. On December 23, 2007, Bryant became the youngest player (29 years, 122 days) to reach 20,000 points.

Kobe Bean Bryant (? August 23, 1978) is an American ? basketball ? who plays shooting ? in the National Basketball Association for the Los Angeles Lakers. On December 23, 2007, Bryant ? the youngest player (29 years, 122 days) to reach 20,000 ?.

Gramer ile ilgili alıştırma

Alıştırma 1: Değiştirim

Form the past tense of the verbs below.

  1. ?

  2. ?

  3. ?

  4. ?

  5. ?

  6. ?

  7. ?

  8. ?

  9. ?

Alıştırma 2: Dönüşüm

Form the past tense of the following sentences.

  1. A.
    B. ?
  2. A.
    B. ?
  3. A.
    B. ?
  4. A.
    B. ?
  5. A.
    B. ?
  6. A.
    B. ?

Alıştırma 3: Dönüşüm

Form the past tense of the following sentences.

  1. A.
    B. ?
  2. A.
    B. ?
  3. A.
    B. ?
  4. A.
    B. ?
  5. A.
    B. ?
  6. A.
    B. ?

Alıştırma 4: Değiştirim

Parantez içindeki metni cümleyi değiştirmek için kullanınız.

  1. ?

  2. ?

  3. ?

  4. ?

  5. ?

  6. ?

Alıştırma 5: Açık cümle tamamlama

Boşlukları doldurmak için aşağıdaki listeyi kullanarak kelimeleri kullanınız.

  • ate
  • bought
  • had
  • sold
  • threw
  • took

It took us a long time to get to Belfast.
We bought tickets for 7:30 flight.
They sold some refreshments in the lobby.
Their captain threw the ball to the other side of the court.
I had tuna sandwich for lunch.
But I ate only half of it.

It ? us a long time to get to Belfast.
We ? tickets for 7:30 flight.
They ? some refreshments in the lobby.
Their captain ? the ball to the other side of the court.
I ? tuna sandwich for lunch.
But I ? only half of it.

Alıştırma 6: Cümle tamamlama

Read what Richard usually does on Monday. Rewrite the text as if Monday was yesterday.


Richard gets up at 7 o'clock. He brushes his teeth, dresses up and has something to eat. He sets off to work at eight. It takes him about fifteen minutes to get there. He works until one. Then he goes for lunch with his colleagues. After lunch he stays at work until five. On his way home he buys some groceries. At home Richard cooks a dinner a then he visits his friend. He comes back home at ten and soon after he goes to bed.

Richard got up at 7 o'clock. He brushed his teeth, dressed up and had something to eat. He set off to work at eight. It took him about fifteen minutes to get there. He worked until one. Then he went for lunch with his colleagues. After lunch he stayed at work until five. On his way home he bought some groceries. At home Richard cooked a dinner and then he visited his friend. He came back home at ten and soon after he went to bed.

Richard gets up at 7 o'clock. He brushes his teeth, dresses up and has something to eat. He sets off to work at eight. It takes him about fifteen minutes to get there. He works until one. Then he goes for lunch with his colleagues. After lunch he stays at work until five. On his way home he buys some groceries. At home Richard cooks a dinner a then he visits his friend. He comes back home at ten and soon after he goes to bed.

Richard ? at 7 o'clock. He ? his teeth, ? and ? something to eat. He ? to work at eight. It ? him about fifteen minutes to get there. He ? until one. Then he ? for lunch with his colleagues. After lunch he ? at work until five. On his way home he ? some groceries. At home Richard ? a dinner and then he ? his friend. He ? back home at ten and soon after he ? to bed.

Alıştırma 7: Açık cümle tamamlama

Boşlukları doldurmak için aşağıdaki listeyi kullanarak kelimeleri kullanınız.

  • and
  • because
  • because of
  • but
  • however
  • then
  • therefore
  • until

The box is red but only on its sides. I don't like fish and chips. We didn't play because it was rainy. We watched TV and then we went to bed. I will stay here until seven o'clock. The new coach doesn't help much, however there are some minor improvements. Our plane was late therefore we couldn't get there on time. We lost because of bad defence.

The box is red ? only on its sides. I don't like fish ? chips. We didn't play ? it was rainy. We watched TV and ? we went to bed. I will stay here ? seven o'clock. The new coach doesn't help much, ? there are some minor improvements. Our plane was late ? we couldn't get there on time. We lost ? bad defence.

Alıştırma 8: Dönüşüm

B cümlesini A cümlesinin aynı anlamında doldurunuz.

  1. A.
    B. ?
  2. A.
    B. ?
  3. A.
    B. ?
  4. A.
    B. ?
  5. A.
    B. ?
  6. A.
    B. ?


Alıştırma 1: Dikte

İlk önce tam kaydı dinleyiniz, sonra metin kutusuna girip bölüm bölüm dikte dinletmek için „>“ tuşu kullanıp dinlediğiniz metni yazınız. Ayrıntılı talimatlar için, alıştırma için yardım okuyunuz.


I think I would make a very good astronaut. To be a good astronaut you have to be intelligent and I am intelligent. You also have to understand how machines work and I am good at understanding how machines work.


Alıştırma 2: Dikte

İlk önce tam kaydı dinleyiniz, sonra metin kutusuna girip bölüm bölüm dikte dinletmek için „>“ tuşu kullanıp dinlediğiniz metni yazınız. Ayrıntılı talimatlar için, alıştırma için yardım okuyunuz.


I like Sherlock Holmes because I like detectives. If I were a proper detective he is the kind of detective I would be. He is very intelligent and he solves mysteries.


Kontrol listesi

Şimdi, bu dersi bitirdikten sonra yapabilmeniz gerekenler:

  • Bir havaalanında ve istasyonda bir şeyler hakkında konuşabilmek.
  • Basketbol ve voleybol ile ilgili genel sözcükleri ve ifadeleri anlamak.
  • Basit geçmiş zamanı kullanmak.
  • Bazı bağlaçları doğru bir şekilde kullanmak.
Versyon 2.0 (2013-01-03 13:43 CET)
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