Ünite 4: Wrestling and Weightlifting


Amaçlar ve hedefler

Bu derste güreş ve halter ile ilgili kelimeler ve ifadeleri öğreneceksiniz. Bununla beraber Basit geçmiş zamanı ve bazı bağlaçları da gözden geçireceksiniz.

Bu ünitenin gramer odak noktası:


30 kg.‘luk halter ile çalışıyor (antrenman yapıyor).
Jüriler stili de değerlendirir.
ağırlık kaldırma
Ağırlık kaldırma, Olimpik bir disiplin değildir.
Olimpik halter
Olimpik halter, iki disiplinden oluşur.
(IWF)Uluslararası Halter Federasyonu (IWF)
Bu halter Uluslararası Halter Federasyonu tarafından onaylanmıştır.
Hangi siklettesin?
Vücut kütlesi
Vücut kütlesine göre halterciler sıkletlere ayrılır.
yeni kaldırış
Yeni kaldırışında 5kg daha fazla kaldırdı.
halter / vücut geliştirme makinesi
Yeni vücut geliştirme makineleri aldık.
Bu set 30 barfiks ve 15 şınavdan oluşuyor.
Kas kütleni arttırmak için doğru ağırlık kaldırma temposunu da uygulamalısın.
Dayanıklılığımı arttırmak için haftada iki kez spor salonuna gidiyorum.
Bana yeni bir egzersiz gösterdi.
Çengel nasıl yapılır biliyor musun?
el ense çekmek
Yana yatırarak kazandı.
Dövüş sporları mağazamız mevcuttaki en iyi malzemeyi satar.
Atma, rakibi kaldırarak uygulanan bir tekniktir.
yere indirme
Yere indirme rakibi yere düşürmenin bir yoludur.
Rakibin omuzlarını yere değdirmeye tuş denir.
dengesini bozmak
Atma rakibin dengesini bozan bir tekniktir.
serbest stil
Serbest güreş dünyanın her tarafından yapılır.
Sambo bir Rus mücadele sporudur.
tuş pozisyonuna getirmek
Temel tuş yapma tekniği rakibi çarpraz olarak bastırmaktır. ters baskıdır.
Başlangıçta, güreşçiler tartılmalıdır.

Kelimeler ile ilgili alıştırma

Alıştırma 1: Kendiniz test ediniz

Aşağıdaki terimlere doğru çevirleri doldurunuz.

  1. ?
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  49. ?


Alıştırma 1: Çoktan seçmeli sınav

Doğru cevabı işaretleyiniz.

TOMDid you see the fight yesterday, George?
GINADo you mean Kim Cotoure vs. Kerry Vera?
TOMExactly, it was amazing.
GINAWell, to tell you the truth, I didn't find it that great.
TOMHow come? They were both impressive. They looked so ready to go!
GINAPerhaps you are right but on the mental side of things they almost behaved retarded, I'm sorry.
TOMWell, girls are often much more emotional in terms of fighting.
GINAI guess that's what doesn't suit me, I don't know...
  1. George
  2. Tom likes girl fights because
  3. George doesn't like girl fights because

Alıştırma 2: Çoktan seçmeli sınav

Doğru cevabı işaretleyiniz.

ROLFHave you seen the terrible footage of the 2008 Olympics weightlifting accident?
LUCYPlease, don't remind me of that terrible video, makes me feel sick just thinking of it.
ROLFPoor guy, it must have been sooooo painful.
LUCYHe was from Hungary, wasn't he?
ROLFYeah, he dislocated his elbow, it looked really nasty especially in slow motion.
LUCYI don't think I want to see that again; makes me feel like puking.
ROLFI understand.
  1. Kurt and Rolf talk about
  2. According to Kurt the footage is
  3. The injured competitor was from
  4. The competitor injured his

Alıştırma 3: Açık cümle tamamlama

Boşlukları doldurmak için aşağıdaki listeyi kullanarak kelimeleri kullanınız.

  • biceps
  • improve
  • intensity
  • muscles
  • rest
  • strength

To increase the strength of your arms it is important to train all muscles equally. It is great to have well developed biceps, but make sure you don't forget to train the rest of your muscles in the upper and lower arm with the same intensity as you do your biceps. It takes hard work and a sound program to improve your physique.

To increase the ? of your arms it is important to train all ? equally. It is great to have well developed ?, but make sure you don't forget to train the ? of your muscles in the upper and lower arm with the same ? as you do your biceps. It takes hard work and a sound program to ? your physique.

Alıştırma 4: Açık cümle tamamlama

Boşlukları doldurmak için aşağıdaki listeyi kullanarak kelimeleri kullanınız.

  • Egypt
  • back
  • combat
  • techniques
  • walls
  • wrestling

The art of wrestling as a sport and way of defense goes further back in time than any other existing records of unarmed combat. It can be traced back as far as 3400 BC to Egypt. Images of wrestling can be seen on the tomb walls of Beni-Hasan. Some of the techniques used in today's many wrestling styles are on these walls.

The art of ? as a sport and way of defense goes further ? in time than any other existing records of unarmed ?. It can be traced back as far as 3400 BC to ?. Images of wrestling can be seen on the tomb ? of Beni-Hasan. Some of the ? used in today's many wrestling styles are on these walls.

Gramer ile ilgili alıştırma

Alıştırma 1: Cümle tamamlama

Put in will or won't.


She won't be able to lift this barbell, it is too heavy.
I think you will enjoy the match, both teams are very good.
If you don't feel well, go to bed early and you will feel much better in the morning.
Their coach won't be very happy with such poor results.
I will probably be in France this time tomorrow.
Will you not come with us? The tickests are cheap.

She ? be able to lift this barbell, it is too heavy.
I think you ? enjoy the match, both teams are very good.
If you don't feel well, go to bed early and you ? feel much better in the morning.
Their coach ? be very happy with such poor results.
I ? probably be in France this time tomorrow.
? you not come with us? The tickests are cheap.

Alıştırma 2: Cümle tamamlama

Use I think I'll... or I don't think I'll...


The weather is bad today.
I don't think I'll go (go) out today.

I can't call her right now.
I think I'll call (call) her in the evening.

I am exhausted.
I think I'll have (have) a rest.

This competition is very difficult.
I don't think it will be (be) easy to win.

What do you think about UFOs landing here tomorrow?
I don't think it will happen (happen) tomorrow, but in thousand years, who knows?

I am hungry.
I think I'll have (have) something to eat.

The weather is bad today.
? (go) out today.

I can't call her right now.
? (call) her in the evening.

I am exhausted.
? (have) a rest.

This competition is very difficult.
? (be) easy to win.

What do you think about UFOs landing here tomorrow?
? (happen) tomorrow, but in thousand years, who knows?

I am hungry.
? (have) something to eat.

Alıştırma 3: Açık cümle tamamlama

Boşlukları doldurmak için aşağıdaki listeyi kullanarak kelimeleri kullanınız.

  • If he weighs 5 kilos more
  • If it rains in the afternoon
  • If she wins this match
  • If you don't want to read it
  • If you practice more
  • If you try this workout

If you practice more, you will be stronger.
If he weighs 5 kilos more, he will be in different weight category.
If you try this workout, you will see your muscle mass grows faster.
If she wins this match, she will earn a lot of money.
If you don't want to read it, I'll throw it away.
If it rains in the afternoon, we'll stay at home.

?, you will be stronger.
?, he will be in different weight category.
?, you will see your muscle mass grows faster.
?, she will earn a lot of money.
?, I'll throw it away.
?, we'll stay at home.


If (I'll be / I am) I am late, I'll give you a call.
Will you help me, if the barbell (is / will be) is too heavy?
He will fight in this match, if they (will invite / invite) invite him.
It will be cheaper, if we (will go / go) go by bus.
If we (won't hurry / don't hurry) don't hurry, we'll miss the bus.
If I (will have / have) have time tomorrow, I'll go with you.

If (I'll be / I am) ? late, I'll give you a call.
Will you help me, if the barbell (is / will be) ? too heavy?
He will fight in this match, if they (will invite / invite) ? him.
It will be cheaper, if we (will go / go) ? by bus.
If we (won't hurry / don't hurry) ?, we'll miss the bus.
If I (will have / have) ? time tomorrow, I'll go with you.

Alıştırma 5: Değiştirim

Parantez içindeki metni cümleyi değiştirmek için kullanınız.

  1. ?

  2. ?

  3. ?

  4. ?

  5. ?

  6. ?

I'm going to Budapest for a few days. I'll give you a call when I'm back.
I hope I'll be there at 6. But if I'm not there, don't wait for me.
I think Jack will win the match. I'll be very surprised if he doesn't.
I'll be staying in Belgrade this weekend. When I'm there I want to visit some friends of mine.
I'm going to Tesco, so if you want anything, I can get it for you.
We'll go out, when the rain stops.

I'm going to Budapest for a few days. I'll give you a call ? I'm back.
I hope I'll be there at 6. But ? I'm not there, don't wait for me.
I think Jack will win the match. I'll be very surprised ? he doesn't.
I'll be staying in Belgrade this weekend. ? I'm there I want to visit some friends of mine.
I'm going to Tesco, so ? you want anything, I can get it for you.
We'll go out, ? the rain stops.


Alıştırma 1: Dikte

İlk önce tam kaydı dinleyiniz, sonra metin kutusuna girip bölüm bölüm dikte dinletmek için „>“ tuşu kullanıp dinlediğiniz metni yazınız. Ayrıntılı talimatlar için, alıştırma için yardım okuyunuz.


The match starts at 4 o'clock and there will be five rounds of 3 minutes each.


Alıştırma 2: Dikte

İlk önce tam kaydı dinleyiniz, sonra metin kutusuna girip bölüm bölüm dikte dinletmek için „>“ tuşu kullanıp dinlediğiniz metni yazınız. Ayrıntılı talimatlar için, alıştırma için yardım okuyunuz.


Were there many people watching the fight? Somebody told me it was very interesting.


Kontrol listesi

Şimdi, bu dersi bitirdikten sonra yapabilmeniz gerekenler:

  • Güreş ve halter ile ilgili genel sözcükleri ve ifadeleri anlamak.
  • Basit geçmiş zamanı kullanmak.
  • Bazı bağlaçları doğru bir şekilde kullanmak.
Versyon 2.0 (2013-01-03 13:43 CET)
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