Lekce 1: Football


Cíle a zaměření

V této lekci se naučíte slovní zásobu a fráze týkající se fotbalu. Připomenete se, jak se představit. Zopakujete si také přítomný čas prostý, modální sloveso should a předložky in, at a on.

Gramatické zaměření této lekce:

Slovní zásoba

Naši fanouškové jsou velmi hlasití.
odehrávat se
Zápas se odehrává v Miláně.
Míč zasáhl břevno
Oba týmy jsou na hřišti.
pokutové pásmo
V pokutovém území byli dva útočníci.
středová značka
Rozhodčí čeká na středové značce.
středový kruh
Zraněný obránce ležel ve středovém kruhu.
Přihraj doleva.
Výkop je v 17:30.
pokutový kop
Ten pokutový kop byl rozhodující.
Brankář ten míč nemohl chytit.
Byl to ošklivý faul.
rohový kop
Skórovali z rohového kopu
Vhazování na protivníkově půli.
volný kop
Volný kop se využívá k rozehrání hry.
žlutá karta
Byl potrestán žlutou kartou.
Rozhodčí zapískal faul.
chrániče holeně
Kde jsou moje chrániče?
Jejich útočníci jsou velmi šikovní.
konec hrací doby
Hra končí, když vyprší čas.
Chris je náš nový útočník.

Procvičování slovní zásoby

Cvičení 1: Procvičování slovíček

Doplňte správný překlad pro každý z následujících výrazů.

  1. ?
  2. ?
  3. ?
  4. ?
  5. ?
  6. ?
  7. ?
  8. ?
  9. ?
  10. ?
  11. ?
  12. ?
  13. ?
  14. ?
  15. ?
  16. ?
  17. ?
  18. ?
  19. ?
  20. ?
  21. ?
  22. ?
  23. ?
  24. ?
  25. ?
  26. ?
  27. ?
  28. ?
  29. ?
  30. ?
  31. ?
  32. ?
  33. ?
  34. ?
  35. ?
  36. ?
  37. ?
  38. ?
  39. ?
  40. ?
  41. ?
  42. ?
  43. ?
  44. ?
  45. ?
  46. ?
  47. ?
  48. ?
  49. ?


Cvičení 1: Doplňovačka

Pozorně si poslechněte nahrávku a potom vyplňte vynechaná místa v níže uvedeném textu s použitím stejných slov.

TomHi John, may I introduce you to Richard, our new team-mate.
JohnHello, pleased to meet you.
RichardPleased to meet you too, John.
JohnWhere are you from, Richard?
RichardI am from Birmingham - England.
JohnAnd why do you want to play here in Ireland?
RichardThe contract was advantageous and I like it here in Derry city.
JohnWe really need a good new striker. Good luck.
RichardThank you, I hope I won't disappoint you.
JohnSee you later then.
RichardSee you.

Derry city football club has a new ?.
His ? is Richard.
Richard is from ?.
He plays at position of ?.
Richard wants to play in Ireland because his contract is ? and because he likes it in ?.
Derry city needs a new good ?.
Richard ? he won't disappoint the team.

Cvičení 2: Zaškrtávací test

Zvolte správnou odpověď.


Hello, my name is Richard and I am from England. I play as a striker in Derry city football club in Ireland. I get up at 7:30 I have a shower, something to eat, two cups of tea and then at 8:30 I set off to the stadium, where our training starts at 9. We spend three hours running up and down, dribbling and practising penalty kicks. At twelve we have lunch together with my team-mates. After lunch I drive home and relax a bit. Later in the afternoon I go swimming or I visit a gym. I have dinner early at about 6:30. After dinner I watch TV, browse the Internet or I meet my friends. I usually go to bed at 11.

  1. Which country does Richard play football in?
  2. In the morning Richard leaves his place at
  3. His training takes about
  4. After lunch Richard
  5. Richard relaxes
  6. He has his dinner
  7. He usually goes to bed

Cvičení 3: Doplňovačka

Read the text, then fill in the gaps.


A football supporters who take the "support" part more seriously than the football are called hooligans. Some of them are just fans who got drunk, while others are organised gangs formed on the basis of the members' favoured team. Rival firms usually beat each other up. Such battles can easily escalate into property damage and fights with police.

Hooligans are more interested in support rather than football itself.
Some hooligans are organized in gangs.
The point of their activity is to beat their opponents.
Time to time this ends up in property damage.
Sometimes the police gets involved.

A football supporters who take the "support" part more seriously than the football are called hooligans. Some of them are just fans who got drunk, while others are organised gangs formed on the basis of the members' favoured team. Rival firms usually beat each other up. Such battles can easily escalate into property damage and fights with police.

Hooligans are more interested in ? rather than football itself.
Some hooligans are organized in ?.
The point of their activity is to ? their opponents.
Time to time this ends up in ? damage.
Sometimes the ? gets involved.

Cvičení 4: Doplňovačka

Read the text, then fill in the gaps.


The World Cup is an international competition between national football teams held every four years. It's the big occasion for the World - much more popular than the Olympics. For a team to win the world cup means the players will be heroes for life in their native country. The first contest was in 1930 in Uruguay, and was won by the hosts.

The world cup takes place every four years.
It is a competition of national teams.
People like the World Cup more than the Olympics.
If you win the World Cup, you will become hero in your native country.
The first winner of the Cup was Uruguay.

The World Cup is an international competition between national football teams held every four years. It's the big occasion for the World - much more popular than the Olympics. For a team to win the world cup means the players will be heroes for life in their native country. The first contest was in 1930 in Uruguay, and was won by the hosts.

The world cup takes place every ?.
It is a competition of ? teams.
People like the World Cup more than the ?.
If you win the World Cup, you will become ? in your native country.
The first winner of the Cup was ?.

Procvičování gramatiky

Cvičení 1: Transformace

Pozměňte strukturu každé věty podle modelového příkladu.


I get up at 7:30.
He gets up at 7:30.

  1. A.
    B. ?
  2. A.
    B. ?
  3. A.
    B. ?
  4. A.
    B. ?
  5. A.
    B. ?
  6. A.
    B. ?

Cvičení 2: Transformace

Make questions.

  1. A.
    B. ?
  2. A.
    B. ?
  3. A.
    B. ?
  4. A.
    B. ?
  5. A.
    B. ?
  6. A.
    B. ?

Cvičení 3: Nahrazování

Pozměňte věty s použitím textu v závorkách.

  1. ?

  2. ?

  3. ?

  4. ?

  5. ?

  6. ?

Cvičení 4: Odkrytá doplňovačka

Použijte slova z níže uvedeného seznamu k doplnění vynechaných částí textu.

  • Does
  • admits
  • becomes
  • finds
  • is not
  • lives
  • plays
  • watches

Does Claire like football? No, she is not a big fan of football. But occasionally she watches it on TV with her boyfriend. She admits that time to time she finds the game interesting. Especially when a team from the city where she lives plays some important match. Then it becomes really exciting.

? Claire like football? No, she ? a big fan of football. But occasionally she ? it on TV with her boyfriend. She ? that time to time she ? the game interesting. Especially when a team from the city where she ? ? some important match. Then it ? really exciting.

Cvičení 5: Doplňovačka

Doplňte chybějící text. Pro každou vynechanou část existuje pouze jedno správné doplnění.


Do you often travel? Yes, I do.
Are you at the stadium? No, I'm not.
Does she like your new shirt? Yes, she does.
Do they have dinner at 6:30? No, they don't.
Is he a good defender? Yes, he is.
Are we the winners of the World Cup? Yes, we are.
Does she like watching football? No, she doesn't.
Is it your team's stadium? No, it isn't.


Do you like french fries with mayonnaise?
Yes, I do.

Do you often travel? Yes, ?.
Are you at the stadium? No, ?.
Does she like your new shirt? Yes, ?.
Do they have dinner at 6:30? No, ?.
Is he a good defender? Yes, ?.
Are we the winners of the World Cup? Yes, ?.
Does she like watching football? No, ?.
Is it your team's stadium? No, ?.

Cvičení 6: Odkrytá doplňovačka

Použijte slova z níže uvedeného seznamu k doplnění vynechaných částí textu.

  • should buy
  • should get up
  • should go
  • should practice
  • should slow down
  • should stop

Monica is tired. She should go on holiday.
Look at my computer, it's much better than yours. You should buy a new one.
He is not very good in English. He should practice more.
They are always late in the morning. They should get up earlier.
He always looses all the money on the football pools. He should stop betting.
You are driving too fast. You should slow down.


There is a red light at the crossing.
You should wait for the green one.

Monica is tired. She ? on holiday.
Look at my computer, it's much better than yours. You ? a new one.
He is not very good in English. He ? more.
They are always late in the morning. They ? earlier.
He always looses all the money on the football pools. He ? betting.
You are driving too fast. You ?.

Cvičení 7: Odkrytá doplňovačka

Použijte slova z níže uvedeného seznamu k doplnění vynechaných částí textu.

  • shouldn't eat
  • shouldn't oppose
  • shouldn't rain
  • shouldn't ride
  • shouldn't stay
  • shouldn't travel

You shouldn't ride your bicycle without a helmet.
The strikers shouldn't stay in front when opponent gets too close to their team's goal.
The weather is fine, it shouldn't rain.
You shouldn't oppose decisions made by referee.
She shouldn't eat that late, if you can't sleep at night.
You shouldn't travel there if you think it is dangerous.


I can't catch my breath.
You shouldn't smoke that much.

You ? your bicycle without a helmet.
The strikers ? in front when opponent gets too close to their team's goal.
The weather is fine, it ?.
You ? decisions made by referee.
She ? that late, if you can't sleep at night.
You ? there if you think it is dangerous.

Cvičení 8: Doplňovačka

Fill in the gaps with in, at, on.


There is a colourful label on the bottle.
The car is waiting at the traffic lights.
She was born in Paris.
There is a picture on the wall.
Many fans were at the stadium.
She likes swimming in the sea.
We have a cottage in the mountains.
They live on the island of Man.

There is a colourful label ? the bottle.
The car is waiting ? the traffic lights.
She was born ? Paris.
There is a picture ? the wall.
Many fans were ? the stadium.
She likes swimming ? the sea.
We have a cottage ? the mountains.
They live ? the island of Man.


Cvičení 1: Diktát

Nejprve si poslechněte kompletní nahrávku. Poté přejděte do textového vstupního pole a použijte klávesu „>“ k přehrávání diktátu po částech a diktovaný text zapisujte. Více informací naleznete v nápovědě ke cvičení.


Aston Villa is a Football Club from Birmingham that was established in 1874. It is one of the oldest and most successful football clubs in England.


Cvičení 2: Diktát

Nejprve si poslechněte kompletní nahrávku. Poté přejděte do textového vstupního pole a použijte klávesu „>“ k přehrávání diktátu po částech a diktovaný text zapisujte. Více informací naleznete v nápovědě ke cvičení.


Everton Football Club is an English professional football club from the city of Liverpool. They have competed in the top division for a record 107 seasons.


Kontrolní seznam

Po dokončení této lekce byste měli být schopni:

Představit se.

Rozumět základní slovní zásobě a frázím, které se týkají fotbalu.

Používat přítomný čas prostý.

Používat modální sloveso should.

Správně používat předložky in, at a on.

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