Table of Contents:
- Sound Engineering
- Exercise 1: Selections
- Exercise 3: Exposed Cloze
- Exercise 5: Transformation
- Exercise 6: True/False Statements
- Exercise 7: Exposed Cloze
- Exercise 9: Exposed Cloze
- Exercise 10: True/False Statements
- Exercise 11: Cloze
- Exercise 12: Cloze
- Exercise 13: True/False Statements
- Exercise 14: Multiple Choice Questions
- Exercise 15: Cloze
- Telecommunications
Sound Engineering
Exercise 1: Selections
- Sound engineers do different kinds of work in different places.
- Sound engineers operate many kinds of equipment.
- About half of sound engineering work is in broadcasting and the film and recording industries.
- Digital technology has changed the work of sound engineers.
- Video and audio tapes have mostly been replaced as data storage systems.
Exercise 1: Selections
- Equipment manufacturers produce the hardware and software used by service providers.
- End-users mean the general public and consumers.
- Both equipment manufacturers and service providers employ highly qualified and less qualified staff.
- Equipment manufacturers make many kinds of equipment.
- Service providers sometimes have their own networks, but not always.