Lekce 2: On the Internet


Cíle a zaměření

V této lekci se naučíte nejdůležitější slovní zásobu potřebnou pro internet, počítače a příbuzná témata. Seznámíte se také se slovesem "will" a jeho záporem "won't", s jejichž pomocí tvoříme budoucí čas.

Gramatické zaměření této lekce:

Slovní zásoba

stolní počítač
notebook, přenosný počítač
zpětné lomítko
Píše se to dohromady?
Je mezi slovy David a Brown tečka?
Ne, píše se to dohromady.
Můžete mi, prosím, hláskovat vaši adresu?
Zapnout počítač.
Restartujte ten program.
Restartujte váš počítač.
Stiskněte jakoukoli klávesu.
Počítač zamrzl.
operační systém
složka, adresář
pouze text
program na čtení mailu (např. Thunderbird, Outlook)
příloha (e-mailu)
internetový prohlížeč (např. Firefox, Opera, nebo Internet Explorer)
program na psaní textu (např. OpenOffice Writer, nebo Word)
Program je nainstalován.
software (tj. operační systém, programy)
odpověď, odpovědět
hned teď
webová stránka
Držte šift a stiskněte iskejp.
antivirový program
zlovolný program, který odesílá informace z Vašeho počítače
proti spamový filtr
složka se spamem
příchozí pošta (složka)
odeslaná pošta (složka)
koš (na ploše počítače)

Procvičování slovní zásoby

Cvičení 1: Procvičování slovíček

Doplňte správný překlad pro každý z následujících výrazů.

  1. ?
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  55. ?


Cvičení 1: Zaškrtávací test

Zvolte správnou odpověď.

OperatorHallo, how can I help you?
JacekHallo, Brzezinski speaking, I cannot get to your web site, but I need the list of competitors and results from the yesterday's slalom.
OperatorI'm sorry, our web server has some problems, but I can send it to you. What's your e-mail address?
OperatorCan you spell it for me, please?
OperatorThank you, I will send you the information in a PDF file.
ClientSorry, I don't understand. What is a PDF file?
OperatorIt is a portable document format, you will open it with the Acrobat Reader.
ClientOh, I haven't got that software installed.
OperatorAll right, I can send it to you in a DOC file.
ClientWhat is that?
OperatorWell, you can open it with Microsoft Office or Open Office.
ClientOh, I'm sorry I haven't got these applications installed.
OperatorFine, so I will send you the information as a plain text.
ClientWhat application is it for?
OperatorYou won't need anything, all e-mail readers can read it.
ClientThat's great, thank you.
  1. Which results is the client interested in?
  2. Why can't the client see the competition results?
  3. An "application" is a word meaning:
  4. Which format will the operator send?
  5. Which application will the client finally use?
  6. Which application is used for a DOC file?
  7. Which symbol means "dash"?

Cvičení 2: Doplňovačka

Pozorně si poslechněte nahrávku a potom vyplňte vynechaná místa v níže uvedeném textu s použitím stejných slov.

ClientOur daughter is competing tomorrow, where can I find the latest results?
OperatorYou will find the latest results on our web site.
ClientSorry, what is your web site?
OperatorThe address is www.worldchampionship.eu.
ClientIs worldchampionship with a dash or is it one word?
OperatorOne word.
ClientIf I register today, will you send me the information within 24 hours?
OperatorYes, the system will send you an automatic reply immediately and you will get the information within 24 hours of confirmation.
ClientWhat confirmation?
OperatorYou will have to click on the link in the e-mail message.
ClientWhat will happen if I click on the ...LINK?
OperatorYour Internet browser will open a window with the confirmation button.
ClientHeh? No, too much is too much, no Internet browsers, no e-mail readers, no links, my husband will do that ... James, darling?
ClientOur daughter is ? tomorrow, where can I find the ? results?
OperatorYou will find the latest results on our ? site.
ClientSorry, what is your web ??
OperatorThe ? is www.worldchampionship.eu.
ClientIs worldchampionship with a ? or is it one ??
OperatorOne ?.
ClientIf I ? today, will you send me the information ? 24 hours?
OperatorYes, the system will send you an ? reply immediately and you will get the information within 24 hours of confirmation.
ClientWhat confirmation?
OperatorYou will have to ? on the link in the e-mail ?.
ClientWhat will happen if I click on the ...LINK?
OperatorYour Internet browser will open a window with the confirmation ?.
ClientHeh? No, too much is too much, no Internet ?, no e-mail ?, no links, my husband will do that ... James, darling?

Cvičení 3: Transformace

Pozměňte strukturu každé věty podle modelového příkladu.


Is there a back slash at the end? - dash
No, there is a dash.

  1. A.
    B. ?
  2. A.
    B. ?
  3. A.
    B. ?
  4. A.
    B. ?
  5. A.
    B. ?

Procvičování gramatiky

Cvičení 1: Doplňovačka

Fill in a correct preposition. Choose: "in", "to", "of", and "on".


The competition in slalom was in Austria, in the Alps. We travelled to Austria to see the competition. There were unfortunately many cars on the road so we got stuck in the traffic jam. When we arrived in the ski areal, there was nowhere to park. After we parked our car in a good person's garden, we went to see the competition. The speed of the competitors was very high, good snow conditions and temperature contributed to the beautiful show. Unfortunately, we had to leave before the end. Now, we are on the way home. When we get home, I will immediately switch on my PC, connect to the Internet, fire up my browser and log in to see the results. I am very curious, whether my favourite skier won.


The information is .... the Internet.
The information is on the Internet.

The competition ? slalom was ? Austria, ? the Alps. We travelled ? Austria to see the competition. There were unfortunately many cars ? the road so we got stuck ? the traffic jam. When we arrived ? the ski areal, there was nowhere ? park. After we parked our car ? a good person's garden, we went ? see the competition. The speed ? the competitors was very high, good snow conditions and temperature contributed ? the beautiful show. Unfortunately, we had to leave before the end. Now, we are ? the way home. When we get home, I will immediately switch ? my PC, connect ? the Internet, fire up my browser and log ? to see the results. I am very curious, whether my favourite skier won.

Cvičení 2: Transformace

Pozměňte strukturu každé věty podle modelového příkladu.


How will I open the DOC file? - word processor
You will open the DOC file with word processor.

  1. A.
    B. ?
  2. A.
    B. ?
  3. A.
    B. ?
  4. A.
    B. ?
  5. A.
    B. ?
  6. A.
    B. ?

Cvičení 3: Transformace

Make negatives.


You will open the browser.
No, I won't open the browser.

  1. A.
    B. ?
  2. A.
    B. ?
  3. A.
    B. ?
  4. A.
    B. ?
  5. A.
    B. ?
  6. A.
    B. ?
  7. A.
    B. ?
  8. A.
    B. ?

Cvičení 4: Transformace

Answer positively.


You will open the browser.
Of course, I will, that's clear.

  1. A.
    B. ?
  2. A.
    B. ?
  3. A.
    B. ?
  4. A.
    B. ?
  5. A.
    B. ?
  6. A.
    B. ?
  7. A.
    B. ?
  8. A.
    B. ?

Cvičení 5: Transformace

Make questions.


What will I do after the window opens?

  1. A.
    B. ?
  2. A.
    B. ?
  3. A.
    B. ?
  4. A.
    B. ?
  5. A.
    B. ?
  6. A.
    B. ?


Cvičení 1: Diktát

Nejprve si poslechněte kompletní nahrávku. Poté přejděte do textového vstupního pole a použijte klávesu „>“ k přehrávání diktátu po částech a diktovaný text zapisujte. Více informací naleznete v nápovědě ke cvičení.


Sending e-mails with attachments is not always easy. Many anti-virus or anti-spam applications can delete your message or move it into the spam folder automatically.


Kontrolní seznam

Po absolvování této lekce byste měli umět:

  • hovořit o internetu, e-mailech a počítačích
  • vyjádřit budoucnost pomocí slovesa "will"
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