Szókincs gyakorlat
Gyakorlat 1: Teszteld magad
- possession
- A corner throw is much like a corner kick in football.
- finish judge
- passing lane
- stroke
- goggles
- A team can only be in possession of the ball for 30 seconds in water polo.
- swim-cap
- Breaststroke is a style of swimming.
- The shot clock measures the time of possession.
- power play
- The finish judge checks the way contestants finish.
- goal
- end wall
- backstroke
- The match is divided in four quarters.
- The goal is to complete 50 m in the shortest time.
- shot clock
- When playing power play one team has an advantage.
- In free relay contestants can choose their style.
- He made it to the other end with just a few strokes.
- breaststroke
- Freestyle is a style of swimming.
- Swimmers should drink the proper amount of water.
- Time officially recognized as the best.
- The bottom is sometimes uneven.
- butterfly
- Ball under is considered a foul in water polo.
- holding
- freestyle
- The contestants have to touch the end wall with both hands.
- pushing
- bottom
- Holding and pushing are common fouls.
- A swim-cap allows swimmers to swim faster.
- Backstroke is a style of swimming.
- starter
- red flag
- Butterfly is a style of swimming.
- free relay
- Passing lane is an open space which allows a players to pass the ball.
- official time
- Goggles protect you from chlorine.
- corner throw
- The starter commences the race.
- amount
- ball under
- quarter
- He was shown the red flag and had to go.